I had such a great time conversing with John about my book! We covered topics of trauma, purposeful ambiguity, vulnerability, using the Biblical text to critique Christian religion, and minor disturbing oddities in the painting The Garden of Earthly Delights by Hieronymus Bosch.

And I think I even sound intelligent while doing so! Hurray for that!
I invite you to listen as well. It's well worth your time. And then jump on over to Sundress Publications to buy the book!
Just click this link to access the podcast via Apple podcasts, stitcher, Spotify, or stream HERE.
Buy the book HERE.
Grateful to Christal Cooper for giving me this opportunity to talk about one of the poems in my next book "The Optimist Shelters in Place," out with Harbor Editions in April 2022.
Of the book, Lisa Fay Coutley [author of tether] says, " .... these neo-confessional poems balance the ache of imagining families 'sobbing' in hospital parking lots with the personal loss of long isolation, the fresh finality of divorce, and even the tedious need to clean the shower."

Read more HERE.
Get the book in April HERE.